Thoughts About "Super Croc"
"Super Croc" was a deadly beast. To me this was one of the most deadliest creature to ever walk earth. "Super Croc" sounded scary even after millions of years after it's death. We are lucky to ever have to go face to face with this beast. I can't ever picture me in front of "Super Croc." I would bow down to this monster in fear. "Super Croc" is also known as "Sarcosuchus Imperator." This means crocodile emperor.Top Ten Facts About "Super Croc"
1.40 feet long 2.weighs 10 tons
3.Lived in wetlands 4.Ruled African river
5."Super Croc" had cousins 6.It had scutes
7.Had about 132 teeth 8.No other croc had a head design like "Super Croc's"
9.It's teeth are short, but powerful 10.Biggest croc that ever walked earth.
I think you should explain what scutes are in your top 10 list and add a bit more information to each fact.